Sq. Feet Size
(L x W)
Ceiling Height Banquet Rounds of 10 Banquet Rounds of 8 Classroom Theater Exhibit Booths
8,970 78’ x 115’ Varies N/A N/A N/A 1,084 N/A
Floor / Floor Load:    Stage: Wood, 5,000lb. limit    
House Sound System: Distributed with Center Cluster
Lighting: Dimmable LED, Theatrical
Service Doors: Door: 10’W x 8’ H
Utilities: Electrical Power
Show Power: 60 amp, 200 amp, 400 amp
Stage Size/Type:  Permanent: 57’W x 27’D
  Proscenium: 37’9”W x 22’H
  High Trim: 42'H, 26 Batons