
Mayo Civic Center guidelines for vendor/exhibitor shipping and receiving are intended to provide efficiency to better serve you. 

Due to limited space, Mayo Civic Center will accept advanced freight on a case by case basis. Please reach out to your Event Coordinator or your event contact for information regarding the availability of advanced freight for the show you are exhibiting at. Failure to do so may result in the center not accepting the shipment.Photo-Aug-09-6-00-00-AM

Mayo Civic Center Freight Handling Order Form + Terms (PDF)

If the event organizer does not have a contracted show decorator or freight service, all deliveries arriving during the period of the contracted Facility Use Permit will be received by Mayo Civic Center and delivered to the client's event space.

Mayo Civic Center does not take responsibility for incomplete, mislabeled shipments, un-packing, opening of crates and disposal. If a vendor is shipping weight restrictive items, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor/vendor to arrange assistance with these types of items.